The UK is full! (Myth1)

A vast Scottish highlands landscape empty of people that contrasts the myth that the UK is full
As an illustration, using the population density of ultra-modern Singapore, the UK could house almost 2bn people. The UK isn’t full, it just feels that way.

The UK is full! It’s a common refrain from people concerned about immigration because that’s what ordinary peoples lived experience in the UK feels like, that we’re full. We can’t get a GP appointment for weeks at a time. We’re told about a housing crisis that never ends. The burden on the NHS is constant and overwhelming. Our schools are full and crumbling around our children. We can’t afford to fix anything because there’s no money and look how much we’re spending on hotel accommodation for ‘illegal immigrants!’

However, none of those problems are caused by over population, too many immigrants, too many refugees. None of them.

Average population density

UK Population (Estimated Mid-2022): 67,596,000

UK (Average population density, per square kilometre)  279

London (Ave. pop. density, sq. km) 5,640

Singapore (Ave. pop. density, sq. km) 8,058

Singapore (Highest pop. density, sq. km) 33,000+

Rough size of UK = Population / Pop Density, or 67,596,000 / 279 = 242,280 km2

Just looking at the geography of the UK, if you applied the average population density of London to the whole of the UK you could house a population of around 1.37bn. That’s roughly everyone in Europe (745m) and North America (615m).

The tiny UK highlighted black in a map of the world
UK only
The UK, Europe and North America highlighted on a world map
UK, Europe & N. America
The UK, Europe, North and South America highlighted on a world map
UK, Europe & the Americas

If you applied the average population density of Singapore to the whole of the UK you could house a population of around 1.95bn. Roughly everyone in Europe (745m), North America (615m) and South America (435m).

If you applied the maximum population density of parts of Singapore to the UK you could house around 8bn. Almost the entire planet’s population.

Singapore is being used as a reference because it has a high population density and is ultra-modern.

Marina Bay Sands hotel with ultra modern city scape of Singapore in the background
Twin Chinese pagodas on water contrasts with a modern cityscape in the background

I realise those numbers seem impossible, and I’m not advocating concreting over the country, but I do want to highlight, space is not a problem. The UK, in terms of geography, is in no way full.

It just feels that way.


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