Radical policies - A fearless approach for the people. Policies that support human decency and human rights. Policies that will break the status quo and return democracy to the people.
A policy to ensure we all have enough to eat shouldn’t be considered radical, but that is where we’re at. The Trussell Trust distributed more than 3.1 million emergency food parcels in the 12 months up till March 2024. Shame on us.
In a country where 1% of the population has more wealth than the bottom 70%, shame on us.
With more than 7 million patients waiting treatment by the NHS, shame on us.
Our society is missing the fundamental sense of duty we should have for each other. A tribe looks after its own, but we’ve been conned into believing that either we can’t afford to look after one another, or worse, it’s somehow not our responsibility. We’ve prioritised the individual over the collective, but the individual cannot function alone. Â
Basically, there is nothing anyone has done on this Earth that would preference their luxury lifestyle over another’s ability to live with simple human decency.  This is about restoring human rights, a decent life and democracy.
There is no point continuing with the economics and politics that have failed the vast majority. When the status quo is the rich getting richer and the poor getting poorer, it’s time to break the status quo.
It’s our time now.