Straightforward actions executing simple ideas. To reclaim both our democracy and the future. Utopia not dystopia.
183 days to save the world. Six months. Half a year.
We are heading towards dystopia; some might say we’re already there. Obscene luxury for a small minority at the expense of the permanent misery of the masses. The rich are vastly richer. In the UK, 1% owns more wealth than 70% of the population. The four richest individuals hold more wealth than 20 million Britons. This is a society horribly out of balance.
In the sixth richest country on the planet, in a technologically advanced age, we should be living in a utopia. And we can, but only if we work collectively. Let’s confront myths and organise around ‘radical’ policies that benefit the masses.
We will rewrite the rules, but until then we’ll use them to our advantage.
I hope this blog, and the collective enterprise it inspires, will guide our actions to a better place.
A decent standard of living
We are so far away from a decent standard of living for so many it’s incomprehensible. This ‘othering’ of people by government is destroying society.
If, according to government, you can’t afford your children, then punishment awaits. Their future is cold, hunger, and misery. And government will tell you what a terrible parent you are.
If you are too disabled to entertain us as a Paralympian or artist then stay at home and be quiet. We don’t want to see you or hear from you.
If you are too old to be economically active, then just die, we don’t need you, you are a drain on resources.
It’s tough to write but this is exactly where this country is at. And to be very clear, it has nothing to do with economics. Above all, it is all about maintaining power for a tiny exclusive group over the rest of us. Our inhumanity is a requirement because if we look with human eyes we’d see straight through the injustice of what we’ve allowed to be created.
My viewpoint is straightforward, everyone is entitled, has a right to, a decent life and a decent standard of living. That is the benchmark through which every idea and every action will be judged.
Should a pensioner have enough money to heat and eat? Yes
Should a disabled person have dignified access to our public transport system? Yes
Should a child be able to attend school clean, clothed, and fed? Yes
No made up fiscal rule should impinge on our right to a good life. Quite the opposite, the rules should be written to deliver that life to all of us.
Connect the collective
Half a year. Six months. 183 days to save the world. Let’s connect with each other, share our common humanity, our hope, and prepare so we can act.
Day 1
Today we start small. A small step in the right direction.
Make a mental commitment to yourself that ‘I and my family and friends deserve better than this’. Press the button as a physical act to cement the commitment to yourself.
You are worth it.
Tomorrow let’s start to connect.
Nothing that exists today need exist tomorrow. Barriers can be removed. Rules can be rewritten. Connect. Organise. Act.